The registrant undertakes to fully and unconditionally comply with the Server Rules and accept the consequences of any behavior that violates them. The registrant's age must not be less than the minimum age specified by the PEGI rating for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (this is advisory and not universally applicable; the server takes no responsibility for players below the age limit or for any harm resulting from their participation). The intent to register must not be harmful or malicious. Basic RP knowledge is required for registration, which is not always covered in detail by the Server Rules. We recommend external sources for acquiring this knowledge. The registrant also agrees that if they lack such knowledge, they accept the consequences.
The server officially represents the state of "San Andreas," which is treated as a state of the United States of America, and roleplay is conducted based on this premise. It is important to emphasize that this designation does not mean that communication must be exclusively in English or that English terms must be used. Despite the server embodying the lifestyle of the United States, the power dynamics do not reflect reality.
The creation and role of a character in the Roleplay world must be realistic and comply with the rules listed below. If these conditions are not met, the player agrees to make the necessary adjustments with the help of an administrator or to start a new character.
Rules for Characters:
The character's name must be realistic.
The character's name must reflect an American style, in line with the server's theme.
Forbidden to use the name of any celebrity, public figure, or historical person.
The character's name must align with the role being portrayed and the faction affiliation. The character's name can be changed later, with a valid reason (e.g., role change).
The character's name cannot be parody or comedic in nature, nor offensive (e.g., Füty_Imre, Viz_Elek, etc.).
The character must be unique and have realistic parameters (e.g., height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.) at the background information level.
The character's attire (skin) must align with the role they are portraying.
The character's age cannot exceed 80 years (an age above this would not allow for meaningful RP).
The player defines their character's traits, emotions, and abilities, equipping them with these characteristics (within realistic limits).
Forbidden to It is forbidden to continue illegal activities while roleplaying with a character in a legal role (e.g., robbing a store as an ambulance driver, etc.).
Strictly Forbidden to and will result in an immediate, permanent ban. These programs provide an unfair advantage to the player over others or cause harm to other players.
The player is obligated to behave respectfully and appropriately towards other players and administrators. They are required to accept the decisions of individuals in higher ranks (e.g., Faction Leader, Admin Assistant, Admin, etc.), and these decisions are final.
The individual may appeal the decision, file a complaint at the appropriate place, or directly with someone who is above the person being complained about.
Forbidden to make any offensive remarks about anyone regarding their age, gender, race, ideology, religion, nationality, spelling skills, behavior, or any other characteristic.
Forbidden to insult any member of the server community.
Forbidden to display rude, disrespectful, or 'sassy' behavior towards any member of the server community.
Forbidden to break the rules based on the "if they do it, I will do it too" principle. If a player notices NonRP behavior or rule violations, they are obligated to report it immediately to an administrator.
Forbidden to Sexual assault, necrophilia, torture, or any similar actions are strictly prohibited without the individual's OOC consent.
Forbidden to to incite or encourage the commission of any crime OOC.
Forbidden to OOC blackmail and threats.
Forbidden to OOC swearing and the use of profanity.
Forbidden to make OOC judgments about any server community member, faction, or facility (e.g., "You’re NonRP!").
Rules for using the ChatBox:
IC Chat: It is used for communication with people nearby.
IC Chat | /c: Whisper: Only those standing very close to you can "hear" it.
IC Chat | /s: Shouting: In a larger radius, people farther away from you can "hear" it. It should only be used in appropriate circumstances; generally, shouting is forbidden.
IC Chat | /me, /do: The rules for their use will be addressed later in the guidelines. These are used to express actions performed by an invisible character or events/actions experienced by the character.
OOC Chat | /b: OOC, that is, out-of-character speech.
Forbidden to Flooding, which means typing a specific word or sentence repeatedly, one after the other, in a way that disrupts or annoys another player, is prohibited.
The rules for using the ChatBox are governed by the guidelines outlined in Section 7 of the Rules.
Forbidden to The use of word abbreviations in IC Chat (e.g.,|| "thanks" --> "ty" || "okey" --> "kk") is prohibited, unless it is an abbreviation commonly used in IC or IRL (e.g., "Mizu?").
Általános magatartás:
BunnyHopping is forbidden on the server! (Constantly jumping around without any reason while moving).
Forbidden to board or exit vehicles aimlessly, travel or jump on top of vehicles, or jump off or out of vehicles without purpose or reason.
Forbidden to jump, walk, or perform parkour aimlessly on top of buildings.
Forbidden to jump from the tops of tall buildings to shortcut the route.
Forbidden all forms of suicide
Forbidden to aimlessly damage or destruction (e.g., damaging a car)
Forbidden to draw a weapon without reason in public areas and to point it at another player without cause.
Forbidden to engage in intentional, unjustified, and/or aimless rule-breaking driving, known as NONRP driving (e.g., deliberately knocking down poles, running over players, etc.)..
Forbidden to unnecessaryly and/or aimlessly use animations (e.g., /bomb, /wave, etc.).
Forbidden to "FUN" (i.e., premeditated NONRP behavior or actions that do not fit the situation)
Forbidden to stunting or jumping with a car in non-RP circumstances (e.g., from unrealistically high places or using ramps found in the base GTA)
Forbidden to actively participate in a shootout or action again after being revived. The purpose of reviving and pulling to cover is solely to allow the revived person to survive (not to die). Treating a gunshot wound at the scene can only be done in an AMBULANCE, by a DOCTOR!
Forbidden to use the /attempt command while in an animation or handcuffed, or to attempt any movement (e.g., climbing, sliding, etc.), or to enter a vehicle/interior if the person has been headshot or sustained a serious injury that prevents any movement.
Forbidden to vehicle theft in NONRP circumstances (e.g., in busy areas or without using the /attempt command)
Forbidden to reload during a shootout or immediately after a shootout.
Forbidden to use work vehicles for personal purposes.
Forbidden to use /do "bump" or /me "bump" during collisions. Instead, use /do "shakes, hits their head on the steering wheel" or similar descriptions.
Forbidden to shoot an on-duty paramedic.
It is not mandatory to RP a collision during a getaway if you are the driver, EXCEPT for major collisions, which are mandatory! For example, a head-on collision. This rule does not apply to passengers; they must always RP.
Forbidden to park a helicopter on the roof of a building that does not have a helicopter landing pad.
During a pursuit, it is forbidden to go to a repair shop to fix your vehicle. (You must wait 10 minutes after the pursuit.)
Rules regarding faction membership:
Joining a faction must always be done through an application, which must include an IC (In Character) part. (An OOC (Out of Character) part is recommended but not mandatory.)
Application to an illegal faction can only be done IG (In-Game).
When applying to a legal faction, the application form must strictly follow the official template and be in formal language. (It cannot be a casual, sloppy template, it must be realistically designed.)
A minimum age may be required as a condition for faction membership. (The player must be above the age specified by the server rules.)
Forbidden to hop between factions (e.g., switching factions weekly – except in cases of reorganization or dissolution).
Forbidden to priority recruitment, even based on friendship
General rules for the Faction Leader (person):
The Faction Leader can be a person who:
Is fully familiar with every point of the Server Rules.
Is capable of leading their faction responsibly.
A leader personality who can coordinate people, handle conflicts, teach RP, and behave calmly and sensibly.
Commits to leading the given faction to the best of their ability for a minimum of one full month (30 days).
Cannot play as multiple characters in other faction roles, except for sub-factions.
Naponta minimum 3-4 órát foglalkozik a frakciójával.
The Faction Leader (including the Main Leader) may only withdraw money from the faction safe, sell any faction-related assets, or manage any movable or immovable property of the faction exclusively if it is done solely in the interest of the faction (and not for personal gain).
A maximum of 3 leaders can exist in a given faction: 2 sub-leaders and 1 elected main leader.
The authority of the Main Leader:
Appointment of leaders / revocation of rights.
Requesting a new Faction HQ.
Has full leadership authority (recruiting/expelling members, creating/deleting ranks, assigning/removing ranks, conducting RP scenarios).
Has full responsibility for the faction and the leaders appointed by them (can be held accountable in case of complaints).
Representing the faction.
The duties of the Leader:
Exercising full leadership authority.
Representing the faction.
Other tasks assigned by the Main Leader.
Rules for the faction:
It is mandatory to communicate IC (In-Character) in all situations within the faction.
To avoid MG (Meta Gaming) and abuse, Discord communication for IC purposes is forbidden.
In a given faction, members are required to act in accordance with the faction's RP quality and style in every RP situation.
Promotions within the faction must have an IC (In-Character) background, and promotions can only occur within IC frameworks.
A dismissal on the UCP (User Control Panel) carries the same conditions as an IC (In-Character) dismissal (e.g., for gangs or mafias, a headshot, etc.).
Faction members are required to adhere to the rules set by the faction and its internal hierarchy.
Conflicts between factions must be handled in an IC (In-Character) manner. In the case of OOC (Out-Of-Character) conflicts, the parties involved are required to notify at least one administrative member, who will act as a mediator.
Faction-provided locations (HQs) can only be used for IC (In-Character) situations and cannot be used for purposes that violate the server rules.
The faction leader and their leaders must regularly monitor the activity of faction members and ensure compliance with the rules.
Faction leaders must consult with the administrators when necessary about changes within their faction, especially when appointing a new leader or if the faction undergoes restructuring.
To establish a faction, prior consultation with the administrators is required, and the faction's intentions and goals must be discussed with them.
Faction members are forbidden to be in the same faction with another character, unless their participation in the same faction leads to IC conflicts (e.g., an enemy group).
When requesting a faction headquarters (HQ), consultation with the administrators is required, and the building must fit into the server's RP environment.
Factions are not allowed to maintain OOC alliances that bypass IC (In-Character) rules.
Trade and communication between factions occur through IC means, without OOC agreements.
Administrators have the right to intervene in the affairs of factions if they violate the server rules or RP rules.
Factions may not create rules that violate the server rules or RP (In-Character) rules.
Factions are forbidden to engage in activities that violate the server rules (e.g., hacking, cheating).
Factions are responsible for the RP quality of their members and for ensuring respectful behavior on the server.
If a faction becomes inactive or fails to comply with the server rules, the administrators have the right to take action, including disbanding the faction.
Wars between factions can only occur through IC means, without OOC agreements.
Factions are responsible for the RP content they create and its quality.
Factions are not allowed to advertise other servers or game platforms.
Faction members are required to behave respectfully towards members of other factions, administrators, and other players. Conflicts that cannot be resolved IC (In-Character) must be reported to the administrators.
Basic requirements for robbery:
A clear and specific intent for robbery (asset acquisition) is required (i.e., the goal cannot be to torture or kill the victim).
The "legitimacy" of the situation and location (more details below).
Establishing a stable robbery situation.
Robbery and shooting are span class="color-red">Forbidden in the following locations (protected zones): City Hall, Police Station building, and the Hospital, as well as the Bank (except for bank robberies).,
Forbidden to commit a robbery with the intent only (this also applies to store and bank robberies) to create a conflict situation with the responding law enforcement units. (Intentional mass DM is considered a violation).
The ransom robbery is Forbidden. In the case of kidnapping, the ransom amount is negotiable, with the maximum ransom limit being $25,000.
In the case of kidnapping, the hostage negotiator's capture or killing is Forbidden.
Forbidden to OOC deception/bribery/blackmail-based IC robbery.
Forbidden to use a faction member or gang member from your own group as a hostage in a kidnapping.
Robbery can only involve movable assets, such as: money (cash), weapons, and other valuables on the player. Houses, vehicles, and businesses (companies) cannot be robbed, nor can anyone be threatened with death unless they "hand over" such property.
Forbidden to rob a police officer solely for the purpose of robbery!
Forbidden to kill in a busy area is prohibited. This includes locations such as: City Hall and its surroundings, Sheriff HQ and its surroundings, EMS and its surroundings, gas stations and their surroundings, the mechanic shop, car dealerships, and workplaces!
Forbidden to take premium and event items from a player is prohibited.
Forbidden to rob a new player or as a new player(minimum level 5).
Forbidden to kill or take a robbed player as hostage.
Forbidden to to force a player to withdraw the desired amount from their bank account.
Forbidden to rob from a car's trunk is prohibited.
When requesting help, a respectful tone is required, and the problem must be described clearly and in detail.
/pm - Requesting help or filing a complaint from an administrator on duty. It cannot be used for chatting or greetings!
Forbidden to Harass an administrator when they are off duty is prohibited, except in urgent and important cases.
Rules regarding filing complaints:
A complaint can only be filed if the person making the complaint has the necessary evidence. (Recommended evidence: chat logs, screenshots (taken with F8, unedited and uncropped)).
Complaints can be filed on the forum/Discord.
During a complaint, forbidden to insult the person being complained about, use profanity, or employ obscene/vulgar language.
The subject of the complaint must be clearly and comprehensibly expressed.
The basis of the accusation in the complaint can only be a violation of a specific point in the Server Rules.
An appeal against a resolved complaint is possible. In such cases, a Super Admin should be contacted, or if the complaint is of a more significant nature, a Manager.
Forbidden to:
Stealing vehicles of legal factions!
Exploiting bugs. Any detected bug must be reported immediately; sharing it or inciting its exploitation is also Forbidden.
Kidnapping or robbing a NEW player up to level five (5). However, if the player in question (a beginner) provokes someone or willingly gets involved in a conflict, they cannot claim the right that they have not yet reached level three.
Character trading.
Character theft.
RP-ing a collision with a shortcut key.
Sharing your character's password with a third party. Your character = Your responsibility.
Any form of evidence tampering.
AFKing in public places (especially in the middle of the road). (Allowed only inside houses/interiors, NOT during RP situations.)
Leaving an RP situation / intentionally crashing the game. After a crash, you must return to the game within 5 minutes, otherwise, it will be considered as leaving the RP situation.
Disrupting an RP situation in OOC chat.
Lying OOC.
Advertising, promoting, or directly mentioning other SAMP-RP or MTA-RP game servers by name.
Starting a new character while banned.
As soon as an admin arrives at an "incident," the RP situation immediately stops.
IC (In Character): The events and communication that occur in the game with the character you are role-playing.
OOC (Out of Character): A communication channel used for matters outside of the character, but within the game or related to real life (IRL), which can be accessed using the /b command.
/me command – Used to express actions performed by your character in the game that are not visually detectable or cannot be shown through animations due to technical limitations of the game.
/do command – Used to express an event or occurrence experienced by your character in the game. There are two types: illustrative and suffering. The former is used to describe an object or event that cannot be visually represented in the game (e.g., the glass fell to the floor). The latter is used when the character directly experiences the event (e.g., a glass shard falls on their head).
DM (DeathMatch): Killing without proper justification. Forbidden to commit any murder in the game without a valid reason. If someone has even the smallest legitimate reason (a reasonable cause) to kill a particular person, it is not considered Deathmatching (DM).
PG (PowerGaming): Performing an action in a given situation that the character would not be capable of in real life or would be hindered in some way (e.g., physically unable due to being bound, lacking the physical or mental strength, courage, etc.). Just like in real life, the character should play the role of someone who values their life (e.g., entering a gang's territory alone and insulting its members). There are no suicide bombers or people seeking death, as they would disrupt the balance. In a PG (Powergaming) situation, it must be considered whether the person committing the PG acted with the intent to preserve their life, and both possibilities (survival chances with and without PG) should be realistically evaluated.
RK (RevengeKill): Post-death revenge. This refers to seeking revenge after your death, if you are aware of the identity of your killer (e.g., killing or beating them, etc.). This is considered **RK** (Revenge Killing). There is no such thing as a "RK timer," meaning you cannot wait a certain period of time to seek revenge. Death also implies partial memory loss, meaning you must forget your last RP situation, including the identity of your killer.
DB (DriveBy): Vehicle killing. There are two types: 1.) Running over the victim with a vehicle, placing them in an extreme situation from which they cannot escape due to the game's limitations, and using this to kill them.2.) Opening fire from the driver's seat of the vehicle.
SK (SpawnKill): Spawn killing. Due to the limitations of the game, exiting from an interior works differently than it would in real life. This exploitation of the situational-realization difference is called **SK** (Spawn Killing).
MG (MetaGaming): Using OOC (Out of Character) information IC (In Character). The game has two fundamental dimensions: your real-life self, with its plans, goals, desires, and your in-game character, with its own role, goals, and desires. The first is OOC, and the second is IC. While OOC motivations may lead to IC actions, information gained in the OOC dimension cannot influence or motivate your character IC. For example, if you find out that the leader of a certain organization is a friend of yours in real life, this information is known only to you; your character does not have this knowledge and cannot use it in the game.
Bloodless RP: A situation where an RP scenario unfolds that, based on knowledge of the game’s rules or real life (OOC or IRL), would have more serious consequences (e.g., you crash your vehicle, but instead of serious injury, you simply hit your head and continue driving). This type of RP lacks realism and downplays the gravity of consequences in a way that doesn’t reflect how things would unfold in real life or according to the game’s rules.
RP Lack: The neglect of the quality or quantity of RP in relation to a specific standard for an RP situation. (e.g., you crash into someone, but simply continue driving without any further interaction or consequences). This refers to situations where the RP interaction is insufficient or lacking depth compared to what would be expected in a properly executed roleplay scenario.
RP Impossibility: The act of role-playing a situation that would be impossible to carry out in real life. This refers to scenarios where the actions or events being portrayed defy the laws of physics, logic, or reality, making them unrealistic or unfeasible in any real-world context.
One-sided RP: For example, during a weapon shipment, the character uses /me to notice the weapons, even though they had no way of knowing what was being transported. This refers to situations where one character gains information or performs actions that would not be possible based on their knowledge or the circumstances, creating an unfair advantage or disrupting the realism of the roleplay.
NRT (Not a Report Topic): A message sent to the report channel that was not intended as a request for assistance. This refers to instances where players misuse the report channel for non-relevant communication or topics, rather than for reporting issues or seeking help.
Complaint Book: If a player has violated any point of the rules, you can report them in the designated forum on Discord.
Complaint against Admin: If you believe an administrator has acted unjustly towards you, you can report them in the designated section of the forum created for this purpose.
In-game advertisements must be realistic and should be presented in the same way they would be in real life. This means advertisements should follow the conventions and practices used in the real world, ensuring they make sense within the game's setting and atmosphere.
Advertisements must start with a capital letter, and all general language and spelling rules must be followed (e.g., starting with a capital letter where required, using lowercase for other words, etc.). Proper grammar and punctuation should always be adhered to in order to maintain clarity and professionalism in the advertisement.
Forbidden to advertise any weapons or self-defense tools, even with invented names (e.g., mop tools, Airsoft and Paintball guns, water pistols, etc.), is prohibited.
Forbidden to advertise any drugs, even with invented names (e.g., baking powder, tea, poppy, etc.), is prohibited..
Forbidden to The use of abbreviations in advertisements is not allowed if they are not grammatically accepted (e.g., "My car is for sale. Price: 2M. Can be viewed before VH" ~ Incorrect. "My car, in good condition, is for sale. Inquiries: Tel." ~ Correct). Proper, full wording must be used to ensure clarity and professionalism.
Forbidden to use insults, OOC advertisements, or vulgar language in advertisements. Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban from the game.
Forbidden to advertise unscripted, meaningless things (e.g., "Goat for sale!").
Forbidden to search for another player in advertisements (e.g., "Looking for Kis János, please call me.").
Forbidden to include any OOC expressions in advertisements (e.g., "Looking for a job! (FACTION)").